Patient Safety

Patient Safety (Licensing) Bill 

The Patient Safety (Licensing Bill) is being put in place to ensure that hospitals and other health services meet certain standards to optimise patient safety and patient rights.

It will, for the first time, introduce a licensing requirement for all hospitals, along with certain services in the community that are considered potentially high-risk if not provided to the proper standard.

Once the Bill is enacted, it will become an offence to carry on the business of a hospital or a designated activity without a licence.

The Patient Safety (Licensing) Bill is about making sure hospitals and certain health services meet specific safety standards. Here's a simpler explanation of what the bill covers: 

  1. Licensing Framework: The bill outlines a plan for how hospitals and some other health services willbe licensed. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) will be in charge of this. 
  2. Regulation of Hospitals and Health Services: The focus is on licensing services that could be risky if not done properly. Hospitals and certain high-risk health services will need a license. These include activities like cosmetic surgery. The bill allows for more activities to be added later. The Minister and HIQA will decide on these.
  3. Standards and Requirement:The aim is to ensure that healthcare providers meet certain standards set by the government. Before getting a license, providers must show HIQA that they can meet these standards. This includes having suitable governance and appointing someone responsible for day-to-day management. Providers must also explain how they will meet these standards in their license application.
  4. Patient Safety Statement: Licensed providers must keep a record of patient safety information, including outcomes and any problems that happen. 
  5. Enforcement: If a licensed provider doesn't meet the requirements,their license can be taken away. Other actions can also be taken to fix problems. 
  6. General Changes: The bill changes the Health Act 2007 to include these licensing rules. HIQA will continue setting standards for public hospitals, but this bill extends their role to private hospitals as well. This means they'll make sure all hospitals meet the same standards


How Whelan Law Can Help

At Whelan Law, we are committed to achieving the best outcome for each and every one of our clients in cases of medical negligence. If you feel that you have been impacted negatively, our experienced team will be happy to assess your case and determine whether your claim is viable in law. As with all our clients, we aim to ease your concerns and assist you every step of the way.

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