Implementing the Patient Safety Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure Act 2023

Implementing the Patient Safety Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure Act 2023

The recent tragic passing of Aoife Johnston at University Hospital Limerick has cast the spotlight on the critical issue of Patient Safety within Healthcare Institutions.   As the details surrounding Aoife’s case continue to unfold, it becomes increasingly evident that her untimely death serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need to address systemic challenges in ensuring Patient Safety and Wellbeing in the Irish Healthcare System.  

Aoife Johnston’s case highlighted the complex interplay of factors that impact Patient Safety including communication breakdowns, medical mistakes and systemic deficiencies in care delivery.

Effective communication is not only essential for ensuring that patients are fully informed about their care and treatment options but also for fostering trust and collaboration between all parties involved in the Healthcare process.

Furthermore, Aoife Johnston’s case highlighted the importance of robust systems for identifying and mitigating risks within healthcare settings.  From ensuring adequate staffing levels to implementing rigorous protocols for medication management and infection control, there are numerous steps that Healthcare Institutions can take to enhance Patient Safety and minimise the potential for adverse events. 

In the wake of Aoife Johnston’s passing, it is imperative that all Healthcare Institutions take proactive measures to strengthen their commitment to Patient Safety.   This includes IMPLEMENTING transparent reporting systems for adverse events (as has been enacted in Law in the Patient Safety Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure Act 2023) and the fostering of accountability and continuous improvement.   

The full report can be read on the following link:

For more detailed insights into how the Patient Safety Act 2023 impacts you and how Whelan Law can support you, please visit our Patient Safety Rights Legal Advice <